
Ausstellung „Was blüht uns da“ Ich bin total begeistert von diesem Gemeinschaftsprojekt, dem Sendlinger Bilderfries. Über 60 Künstler und Künstlerinnen haben sich beteiligt, mit jeweils einem Bild. Dank der großartigen Organisation im Team um Martha Reichenberger, Dorothea Knodt und Martin Liebl ist es eine wunderbare Ausstellung geworden und die Organisation hat absolut super geklappt. Ich […]
Ausstellung Lichtstimmungen

Es gibt Momente, die verzaubern – ein besonderes Licht, ein außergewöhnlicher Ort, eine ganz spezielle Stimmung. Was es genau ausmacht, ist schwierig zu beschreiben, aber vielleicht kennen Sie das Gefühl, einen einzigartigen Moment zu erleben. Man kann diese Momente nicht festhalten, aber man kann sich an sie erinnern und diese Erinnerung genießen. Viele meiner Bilder […]
Golden Ginko

60*60 cm, available.I was inspired by the movement of leeves in warm autumn light. You know this time of the year, when the wind is still warm and the sun is still strong, but you feel that it’s fading. Nethertheless, it’s so beautiful that it doesn’t feel like losing something.
Corn Poppy
70*90 cm oil in board, 2006. (Flowers 1/3) This is the first of three floral images. Less complex – at least in regards to the number of circles. When I had the idea of seeing forms as parts of different circles, also the question was raised: what is the aura? Breath of air, light reflex, […]
58*70 cm oil in board, 2007. (Flowers 3/3) This is the third of three pictures of flowers that are made in this way. Quite a few circles. Quite a few fields that had to be separated by contrasts from each other or from be connected by similar colors. How many different pinks can one stand […]
58*70 cm oil in board, 2007. (Flowers 2/3) This is one of three older paintings of the same type. It’s the second one to be precise and I decided to post it now because it’s the end of summer. The colours are not so vivid anymore, even though the sun is still warm and strong […]
Dalai Lama
Oil on board, 2013. 60*60 cm not available anymore He was the first known person I did paint. I somehow admire his attitude – peaceful but still fighting. It gives me hope, that mankind is not only aggressiv. Than again I ask myself if it is naive.
Sketches from Granada
Some coloured sketches from Granada. 20*20 cm
Oil on colored board. 60*60 cm. Available
Indian Women
100*70 cm acrylic on canvas